The Village Of Orealla – An Adventure To Be Had

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Seeking Adventure? Just want to get closer to nature? Well, Adventure and Nature Lovers, imagine this.
Laying down on the roof deck of a boat looking up at the starry sky, untouched by ambient light. Stars litter the dark night sky as you sway with the motion of the boat or waking up to a beautiful sun rise, as your boat moor into port on the dawn of a new day. That is the trip to Orealla  a three (3) to six (6) hour boat ride via the Corentyne River in eastern Guyana. This is an Adventure you must experience.

The Village of Orealla

The Village, or Mission, of Orealla is located up the Corentyne river, some 33 miles south of  crab-wood creek and 11 miles north or Epira ( an abandoned Amerindian or indigenous village where the inhabitants of Orealla and Siparuta, another village, originated). Orealla is an Arawak word which means white chalk, as the village has chalk hills around it.

It’s safe to say that this village is away from all the city life and modern conveniences of today.  The Village is inhabited by over 2000 people consisting of Arawaks, Waraos and other ethnic groups.

The People of Orealla

When a visitor arrives in the village he / she must make himself / herself known to Toshao ( Arawak word meaning Captain or Chief ) and his counselors. Life in Orealla is simple. People own simple houses and there is a more traditional way of life where the men will go out to hunt, fish and log. The women will focus on the making of cassava bread and its other products, as well as taking care of the house and children, while both men and women will come together to do farming and craft making.

The People of Orealla are kind and friendly, offering you fruits from their day’s harvest, which range from bananas, mangos and guineps to pineapple, watermelons and tangerines and much, much more. Over the years the indigenous people of Orealla has managed to keep their heritage and traditional culture alive. They produce cassava bread, casareep ( a molases like substance used in cooking ) and local wine the traditional way.


The Sights of Orealla

The scenery in Orealla is breathtaking, from the hills to the Savannah to the beautiful and majestic Amazonian rain forest, much fun is to be had and many sights to see. The wildlife is abundant. From birds, snakes, lizards, monkeys,  you name it, it’s in Orealla.

After your excursion into the Amazon rain-forest, why not jump into the Corentyne river from chalk hill beach ( where the village get’s its name sake) ? The fresh water water will rejuvenate you. Want to try something new? Try taking a dip in one of the many black water creeks. It may be frightening at first as the water is dyed a deep black. Believe me, it is quite refreshing on a warm day.


Orealla is a lovely place for someone up for adventure. If you are looking for a place to just sit back and relax and get away from it all, Orealla is your destination. Let us know if you have every been to Orealla, or if you are planning a visit to Orealla. We will be happy to hear your experiences.

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