What’s Cooking? Caribbean Style – Home Made Coconut Ice Cream

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Next up in our “What’s Cooking? Caribbean Style” series is “Home Made Coconut Ice Cream“, now who doesn’t like home made ice cream and what better way of getting a splash of Caribbean Style cooking than with one of the most iconic of deserts and most iconic of Caribbean flavors.

Try out this Recipe for “Home Made Coconut Ice-Cream” and thrill your sweet tooth.We leave you with Laura Jurawan-Forde our Contributer for the week.

Here is a recipe for making your very own Coconut Ice Cream be sure to give it a try


  1. 2 Large eggs
  2. 1 Tin Condensed Milk
  3. 2 Cups Heavy Cream
  4. 1 Cup Coconut Milk
  5. 2 Dashes of Vanilla Essence
  6. 1 Dash of Angostura Bitters
  7. 1 Dash of Almond Essence

Check out this video for instructions to make your very own tub of coconut Ice-Cream.


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We hope you enjoyed the recipe for the week, if you have any recipes that you will like featured, please submit them to info@mycaribspot.com.

We look forward to trying out some of your unique Caribbean styled recipes.