Pure Grenada – The Isle of Spice

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The smell of spices in the air, Welcoming people, Amazing Beaches, Towering Mountains and fauna filled Rain-Forests. Welcome to Pure Grenada The Isle of Spice, Many who have visited Grenada call it Paradise, and there is no wonder why they do Grenada is Beautiful. This is the Island we Begin our tour this week.

The Isle of Spice justly named as Grenada is a top provider of spices like nutmeg to the world. But spices aren’t the only thing this island is known for. In a Caribbean filled with islands with either stunning beaches or islands with gorgeous mountains, Grenada is a nice mix of the two. Sporting Beaches such as Grand Anse, BBC,  Dr. Grooms and  tall mountains such as Grand Etang and Mt.Saint Catherine. Grenada takes it all and wraps it up in a nice little package. The capital city of the island is St.Georges and even the city is beautiful with a mix of newer buildings scattered the older buildings left over from colonial times and there is just something about the red roofs that surround the natural harbor of the Carenage.


Continuing our tour, Grenada is hilly the tallest point (Mount Saint Catherine) being 2760 ft above sea level and the island is volcanic having 1 active (submarine) volcano “Kick-em-Jenny”  and an estimated 5 dormant volcanoes. Because the island is so hilly most of the population lives around the coast, leaving the inland as a lush rain forest teaming with fauna and Gorgeous waterfalls.

Here are a few of the attractions that’s definitely worth trying in Grenada.





Grand Anse Beach: 3 Miles of pearl while sand bordering with the turquoise blue of the calm Caribbean sea, a common stop for many of the tourist that visit Grenada, it’s also one of the top beaches in the Eastern Caribbean.



Grand Etang : The Summit of a Dormant Volcano Grand Etang is the biggest lake on the island being 1,910 ft above sea level, makes the atmosphere quite chilly and the mist floating over the lake is straight out of a movie scene.  There are many trails and light hikes around Grand Etang of varying levels of difficulty.



St. Margret Falls : Just a little ways from Grand Etang lake lays St. Margret  Falls (Seven Sister Falls) This Combination of Falls is beautiful, after a short hike through the rain forest you come across the first two of the seven falls . The water here is cold as it is high up in the mountains and quite refreshing. There are also a few fresh water springs around.



Sulfur Springs :  Water heated by  the dormant Volcanoes surrounding Grenada these warm sulfur springs is relaxing not only the fact that the warm water relaxes you but the sulfur is also therapeutic for the skin, the sulphur can leave your skin smooth and free of blemish this was used by the Arawaks and Caribs as face scrubs to exfoliate their skin.


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Levera Beach :  Where the Atlantic Ocean Meets the Caribbean Sea this beach is teaming with rip tides so let the swimmers be warned, but for some reason this beach is a popular destination for the leather back  turtles ( largest species of turtle in the world )  to come up and nest. During peak season ones can see up to 5 / 6 turtles a night.



Underwater Sculpture Park:  One of two underwater sculpture parks in the world this is something quite unique to Grenada a few sculptures can be seen while snorkeling though the real beauty of it can really be seen while scuba diving.


There are many more Attractions in grenada check out our site for more info or grenada’a official tourism page.

Grenadians tend to be very friendly and welcoming, always willing to help. The culture in Grenada is by and large standard to the Caribbean. Cricket and Football (Soccer) are the major sports on the island, The national dish is oil down, a pot packed with various ingredients and steamed on a coal pot.

Where to stay?

Grenada has a number of resorts or hotels stemming from the High Class Sandals Hotel and Radisons Beach Resort to the hidden away and beautiful Petit Anse Villas.

In Conclusion the Isle of Spice is an amazing island to  honeymoon, Vacation or getaway to. You will definitely enjoy your time whether you be a full time beach go-er, a hiking enthusiast, dive enthusiast or a nature bug Grenada has something for every kind of tourist.