How To Travel Safely In The Caribbean

Traveling can be an exciting venture, Seeing new places, meeting new people, having brand new experiences. But sometimes things can go wrong and that dream vacation can quickly turn into a nightmare from hell. So when traveling never throw caution aside, it’s important to follow a few safety tips. The Caribbean is no different, while […]


Travel checklist – Things to Remember when Travelling

Travelling can be either a wonderful experience or a living hell, so it’s best to be prepared and to have most details of your trip planned. If i had a dollar for every story I’ve heard of someone who was stuck on their vacation for lack of preparation, i wouldn’t be rich, but I’ll have […]


Your Dream Vacation – Why Visit The Caribbean.

Why visit the Caribbean? The subtle crash of the waves on the beach, the gentle sea breeze on your face, you decide to don a pair of snorkels and wonder at a host of colors in the coral reef, it’s now night and you and your mate head to a romantic cangle light dinner, overlooking a […]


Top Beaches in The Caribbean


Every year millions of tourists flock to the Caribbean. Taking in the culture, the sights  and enjoying that special Caribbean vibe, but lets be honest when we visit the Caribbean or when we visit other islands, more than likely our main destination is the beach. The soft sand and tranquil sea, lined with palm trees. […]