5 Caribbean National Dishes You Need To Try

Many people, though visiting the Caribbean for its beautiful beaches and friendly people, tend to fall in love with the Caribbean Cuisine.  Zesty, Flavorful, Spicy, Savory , a host of different flavors and combination of flavors can be had within the Caribbean and what better way to sample the Caribbean Cuisine than with the National […]


What’s Cooking? Caribbean Style – Home Made Coconut Ice Cream

Next up in our “What’s Cooking? Caribbean Style” series is “Home Made Coconut Ice Cream“, now who doesn’t like home made ice cream and what better way of getting a splash of Caribbean Style cooking than with one of the most iconic of deserts and most iconic of Caribbean flavors. Try out this Recipe for […]


What’s Cooking? Caribbean Style – Potato, Pumpkin and Sausage Pie

Welcome to our new series “Whats cooking? Caribbean Style”. Here there will be various dishes prepared and submitted  by people like you.  Hope we would be able to taste some of your delicacies soon. Submit your recipes to info@mycaribspot.com. We’ll leave you with our chef for this week, Laura Jurawan-Forde. Enjoy!   What’s for dinner? […]