Your Dream Vacation – Why Visit The Caribbean.

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Why visit the Caribbean?

The subtle crash of the waves on the beach, the gentle sea breeze on your face, you decide to don a pair of snorkels and wonder at a host of colors in the coral reef, it’s now night and you and your mate head to a romantic cangle light dinner, overlooking a beautiful landscape. Welcome to paradise, to many this is their dream vacations, and even if yours may differ a little, your dream vacation can be had right here in the caribbean, so here’s why you should visit the Caribbean and have an amazing Caribbean vacation.


The Climate

Visit Caribbean Barbados

The Caribbean is a moderately temperate zone, and the temperature stays roughly between 75 and 90 degrees through-out the year (no winter blues). There are two (2) seasons (rainy and dry ) and it typically remains sunny through out the year, though the “rainy season” tend to bring days of heavy showers. This sunny weather just makes you want to get up and take on the world, ready to go out and experience a host of activies. *note* Bring some sun block .


The GreeneryVisit Caribbean BaleineFalls


The Caribbean  is filled with beautiful lush rainforests from the world reknown Amazon rain forest in Guyana to the many smaller rainforest throught out the Caribbean islands. The Caribbean is filled with lush greenery and beautiful fauna (animals) and flora(plants). And either delving in with a guided tour, or if you stray off the beaten path, will bring you closer with nature and feel the unity and delicate balance of our planet.

The Beaches

Visit Caribbean Beach

Photo by Inspired Living

Ok lets get this out there, when you ask someone to think of the Caribbean the main thing that comes to their mind is the beach, i mean even our opening scenario centered around the beach. and for good reasons, the beach is the main staple of the caribbean, and the Caribbean is home to a host of beautiful and highly ranked beaches like the seven (7) mile beach in Negril, Jamaica or Grand Anse Beach in Grenada. The beach is truly relaxing and enjoyable, and you can definitely find yourself on the beach soaking in the rays.

The Culture

The Caribbean has a rich culture, the people tend to be some of the nicest people, the food is delicious and the history is deep.  One of the many, many attractions to the Caribbean is the rich culture and people of the Caribbean, people love it so much that they just don’t want to leave, experience the caribbean.

For The Romantic

Visit Caribbean moonlight beach

Like straight out of a scene from a movie the Caribbean is perfect for you and yourmate. Take a moon light walk on the beach or how about a sunset cruise, wrap it all up with a candle light dinner out on the docks and you have got yourself the makings of a romantic evening. Perfect for honeymoons or romantic get-a-ways, the caribbean is the perfect location to stirr up the fire in your love.

For The Family

Visit Caribbean Boatyard

The Caribbean is filled with thing to do for the family and each island has its own unique activity for you and the kids, Jamaica has bob sledding, St.Lucia has an exciting water park, Antigua has stingray city. No matter where you go in the Caribbean the family will have a grand time and they will absolutely love you for it.


In the end the Caribbean is wonderful and no doubt the place where you can have your dream vacation, it’s gorgeous and filled with many activities for any kind of vacation whether it be for just you and your mate, or the entire family, You can have a blast in the Caribbean.