Travel checklist – Things to Remember when Travelling

Travelling can be either a wonderful experience or a living hell, so it’s best to be prepared and to have most details of your trip planned. If i had a dollar for every story I’ve heard of someone who was stuck on their vacation for lack of preparation, i wouldn’t be rich, but I’ll have […]


Your Dream Vacation – Why Visit The Caribbean.

Why visit the Caribbean? The subtle crash of the waves on the beach, the gentle sea breeze on your face, you decide to don a pair of snorkels and wonder at a host of colors in the coral reef, it’s now night and you and your mate head to a romantic cangle light dinner, overlooking a […]


Antigua and Barbuda, 365 Beaches!!!

  Antigua and Barbuda the Beautiful twin-island country, known for it’s many many beaches and friendly people. If the beach is your pleasure, then Antigua and Barbuda is the place to be. Is Antigua and Barbuda your next holiday destination? Awesome!! , Still not sure if to visit? Well here’s a few reasons why you should visit […]


SVG – 10 Places to Visit in St.Vincent and the Grenadines

SVG: St.Vincent and the Grenadines are made up of 36 stunningly beautiful islands, and is quite the destination for boaters. This collection of volcanic islands, which starts at St.Vincent and lead south to Grenada, is gorgeous. Many private islands with exquisite resorts, others uninhabited and others with a small population. Diving and snorkeling is amazing in […]


Top Beaches in The Caribbean


Every year millions of tourists flock to the Caribbean. Taking in the culture, the sights  and enjoying that special Caribbean vibe, but lets be honest when we visit the Caribbean or when we visit other islands, more than likely our main destination is the beach. The soft sand and tranquil sea, lined with palm trees. […]


Top 10 Caribbean Islands


The Caribbean, beautiful in every sense of the word, we all dream of drinking a cocktail from a coconut on the beach while enjoying the sound of the waves of the calm, Caribbean sea, lap onto the shore. But with the hundreds of islands within the Caribbean archipelago, how do you make a choice? Which […]